Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Robot Lurve

"Kim Jong-Hwan, the director of the ITRC-Intelligent Robot Research Centre, has developed a series of artificial chromosomes that, he says, will allow robots to feel lusty, and could eventually lead to them reproducing. He says the software, which will be installed in a robot within the next three months, will give the machines the ability to feel, reason and desire. "


Why We Need Giant Robots

"...only in a society where all our basic needs are met could we be so pleasurably diverted by gadgets. It's not only fun to be excited by the latest gadget, it gives us the feeling too that we're part of the forward flow of life. It also gives us something easy to talk about: we make connections with people by discussing what our gadgets can do, even by laughing at our own silliness. " -Stuart Jeffries

Tasty Robots

"NEC's 'Health/Food Advice Robot' will investigate the composition and proportion inside the food, will issue a warning for taking in too much fat and/or sugar, or tell you if fruit is ripe. If the infrared reflection ratio distribution of various foods is loaded inside the unit beforehand, it can compare the results of the researched food, and determine the actual type of food. For example, it can immediately recognize the make of cheese of type of bread."
